The open day on May 10th featured a fantastic plant sale, although it was a bit windy. Lots of tomatoes, pumpkins, courgettes, peppers, chillis, brassicas, cottage garden plants and even okra and cacti were sold. Phil’s intricate labelling system and de-coding chart was a great talking point encouraging people to try some unusual varieties, including tomatoes that are meant to be green (“Green Zebra” and “Darby Yellow Green Striped”).
Sadly we were missing Cleve (who is very busy building a garden at Chelsea Flower Show which takes place towards the end of May – good luck Cleve!) so there were no bhajis. However Giuseppe, Julie and team produced some fantastic pizzas in the new oven and we also had lovely roast vegetables from the barbecue.

As usual lots of plot holders baked delicious cakes. It was a very enjoyable occasion and £332 was raised towards the running costs of the site. Thanks to everyone who helped and came to buy.