RHS Opportunities

We are affiliated to the RHS as a society. You may be interested in the following information from them:

Photo competition for best veg
Are you a veg grower?   This summer send images (1mb minimum) of any veg your have grown that you are particularly proud of or maybe it’s something unusual you have never grown before and it has done especially well.  Send a short review with your images so we can share with our Grass Roots readers.  All those we print will receive an RHS book on growing produce on an allotment.   Send to  affiliated@rhs.org.uk
The changing face of produce gardening
The way we garden and grow food has changed dramatically over the years. Does your community garden have a long and interesting history? Maybe your allotment has been passed down through the generations, or helped feed hungry mouths in war times and now helps bring different cultures together. We would love to hear how your garden and gardeners have changed through time. Please send a short summary (no more than 100 words) of the history of your group and the ways in which it has changed, along with a hi-resolution image to affiliated@rhs.org.uk
Blooms for Bees
We’re inviting all RHS Affiliated Societies to take part in a citizen science project to help us better understand which plants are best for bumblebees. Blooms for Bees is a joint project by the RHS, Garden Organic, Bumblebee Conservation Trust and the University of Coventry and will provide important data to help gardeners better understand these bees’ needs. We are looking for volunteers to grow and monitor Dahlia Mignon flowers to determine whether the various colours vary in terms of their attractiveness to bumblebees. You will need to monitor the flowers in each colour group for 5 minutes, at least once a month, and take a photograph of each visiting bumblebee that you see. 
Please register for your seeds now (please note, only one registration can be made per society): http://www.bloomsforbees.co.uk/   Seeds will be sent out from March 2017
Special Anniversaries – Has your society been around for more than 99 years?  (Plenty have!)
Let me know if you have a special anniversary this year – how are you celebrating, are you doing something special with the community?  . Please send a short summary (no more than 100 words) of the history of your group and how you are celebrating, along with a hi-resolution image to affiliated@rhs.org.uk

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